Thursday, August 14, 2008

Well done Abhinav.

That was the first thought that came to my mind after i heard the news that Abhinav Bindra had won India's first ever individual Gold medal at the Olympics. Its difficult to find adjectives to describe the achievement, words like monumental and stupendous wouldnt suffice. Even as the nation of a billion plus people rejoiced, the poise and composure Abhinav showed after clinching the medal showed the mettle he's made of. Having scaled the pinnacle of the sport without the backing of corporate sponsorship, apart from the Mittal group makes the victory even sweeter. Its a real surprise how a country as big as ours has been unable to produce a Gold medal winner earlier.

I'm sure the sight of Abhinav standing on the podium with the Tricolor being unfurled and the National Anthem playing in the background wont be forgotten in a hurry, perhaps never. Kudos Abhinav, you have made each Indian proud. Youngsters aspiring to take up sports now have a new icon to look up to. All this while the United States have Michael Phelps, who holds the record for the most Gold medals in the Olympics, while Australia had the " Thorpedo" Ian Thorpe. Two swimmers who symbolised the future of sport and set many a swimming pool on fire with their ability. Though there's a long way to go in terms of matching the achievements of Phelps and Thorpe, like Abhinav himself said its not the destination but the beginning of a new journey. Here's wishing you all the very best for the future. Saludos!!

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