Monday, August 11, 2008

Finally, some rain in Hyderabad!!

I am sure the local people in Hyderabad wouldnt have the same feeling when it started pouring during the evening of Friday August 8th. I used the word local, as i'm amongst the droves of people who have moved to Hyderabad in search of greener pastures. The rain reminded me of the showers seen in Mumbai, the city i belong to and a place where such spells of rain are fairly common. Experience with long spells has better equipped the people of Mumbai to deal with torrential downpours. However in Hyderabad the case seems different as the city hardly sees the kind of rain experienced in Mumbai. Atleast this was the first instance when it has rained with such intensity in the city during the last one year.

The rain is accompanied by its share of problems. Huge traffic jams, power cuts and flooding in the low lying areas. Luckily, the apartment that i reside in was spared the power cuts, though the adjacent street adjacent to it did resemble a large flowing rivulet. Also i felt blessed as the rain started pelting after i got home in the evening, i really sympathize with the folks who were stuck at several places due to bad traffic or had to suffer long power cuts. As i settled on the couch looking at the rain pouring outside, my thoughts immediately drifted to hot pakodas with tea as is the norm during the monsoons in Mumbai. I really miss those days, though the spell of weekend rain did provide a sense of deja vu.

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