Sunday, November 30, 2008

This is WAR

I bet this is the thought in each and every Mumbaikar's mind, even as the dust settles on what has been the most audacious terrorist attack on India. Having been a resident of Mumbai all my life, even i have been used to such attacks as the city has witnessed numerous such attacks in the past. But this time its clearly different, the water seems to have passed over the head. The words spirit and resilience of Mumbai are often brought up after such acts, i believe these words are abused, as it is economic compulsion which compels most people to be back on the job soon after such disasters. And the calamity was something Mumbai has never witnessed in the past, as hotels which were the icons of Mumbai were chosen as targets and the primary aim seemed to be taking foreigners hostage.

The scale of planning involved in the operation illustrate the intention of the terrorists. A huge cache of explosives, automatic assault rifles, detailed knowledge of the topography all helped the terrorists wreak havoc in the city. The Mumbai Police, which was the first to rise against the threat had to face highly trained and motivated adversaries, put up a brave fight losing fourteen men in the process. It seemed the city was brought to its knees, until the Government sent out an SOS to the elite forces. Clearly it was time to switch gears. The Army and Rapid Action Force was deployed. Additionally, units of the National Security Guards (NSG) popularly known as the Black cats, the crack Marine Commandos (MARCOS) were called in and soon took charge of the situation. It was time to fight fire with fire, the heavily armed and well trained commandos responded in earnest to the threat which had India's financial capital in its grip. It was almost 60 hours before the entire operation could be completed, Mumbai could breathe freely again.

We all owe a deep sense of gratitude to the heroic efforts of the elite commando teams, who lost two of their own in the daring operations. The sense of professionalism imbided in the commandos was exhibited as a news reporter spoke to them after the completion of the operation. The reporter repeatedly thanked them for their bravery, to which the commandos replied it was their duty and they wouldnt spare any one who posed a threat to this country. Brave men indeed....saludos, my head bows in respect for these men and their deeds. It is very reassuring to know, we have such capable men to fall back upon in times of adversity. I also feel a deep sense of loss, as so many innocent people have lost their lives in this seemingly mindless act. The efforts of the staff at the Taj and the Oberoi, in what was seemingly a hopeless situation, stand out.

The other overwhelming emotion i have is anger,which is directed at politicians. Though it would be harsh to paint everyone with the same brush, it wouldnt be wrong to say we have a bunch of useless corrupt politicians governing us. And this is true across the political spectrum, irrespective of party affiliations. How could one explain political parties attacking each other for votes, even as the anti terror operations were on in Mumbai. Its a pity the NSG, which was raised as a anti hijacking and anti terror force is now primarily responsible for security of politicians. What a waste of the best and bravest of our forces!!!!!

This time, it is upto us people to ensure the politicians are made accountable for the horrible mess we find ourselves in. Even as i am writing this post, the news of several changes in the bureaucracy and the cabinet have started coming in. I hope these are just the beginning of sweeping changes in our system. I am pretty sure, the ordinary citizen is not going to remain a mere statistic and will stand up to be counted. The political establishment has to dish out some real tough answers, the goings on in Mumbai are only likely to reinforce calls for swift and decisive action with a view to protect the ordinary populace.

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